Monday, January 24, 2011


Never in my life did I imagine getting near a huge dog--until that fateful Doggies Choice presscon :p

Doggies Choice, a leading brand of pet care products recently hosted an intimate mini-press and bloggers conference at Dolce Latté resto, headed by Doggies Choice Brand Marketing Head Kirk Chester Dy.

Well, we've had dogs but I was never close to any one of 'em so imagine my surprise when their mascot, Diku, stood behind me for kamote-knows how many minutes :p I was shaking and I even held on to Shen because one, I'm scared of mascots, and two, I've had a pretty scary experience with dogs.

So combine the two and watch me die :)

As Kirk Chester Dy explained:

“Our main weapon against ticks and fleas is an ingredient called FENOBUCARB BPMC that is safe for dogs and humans as well. It is very effective in killing these terrible pests which can cause more serious skin infections if left unchecked. The best thing is it shields and protects your dog’s skin from these parasites long after applying."

...I was shaking in fear and humiliation. Heehee :p

And as he continued to explain:

“In curing this dreaded dog disease, many bizarre and unfounded remedies have sprung up such as application of cooking oil and worse engine oil! The latter can be very harmful not only to dogs but us humans as well since it contains a lot of toxic substances. However, with all these weird claims, one herbal treatment was scientifically proven effective as a "Mange-Buster." This natural, environmentally-friendly and non-toxic pesticide came from the Madre De Cacao plant which is the active ingredient in our Anti-Mange line. Once applied, Madre De Cacao acts as an effective anti-parasitic, safely eliminating mange causing fleas. The only downside to Madre De Cacao is that the extraction of the needed component can be slow and messy. We also added sulfur to the Anti-Mange line to complement Madre De Cacao. This also makes it an effective anti-fungal product line.”

...I was still drenched with trauma and fear. Bwahahahaha :p

Anyhow, I went home with a bag of Doggies Choice goodies for our new Labrador we named Jag. (Originally I called him Aso :p) We tried the products on him and I think he loved eeet!!! :)

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